- Did you know that you insurance will either cover all or part of a breastpump? Call ou insurance provider and they will be able to point you in the right direction. My insurance company gave me medical suppliers that I called until I found the one that would cover the pump I wanted, which is a Medela. I only had to pay $100 and normally you can only order it 30 days before your due date
- Make sure you have plenty of nursing tank tops - I would say atleast 5. You will leak on them, get spit-up on, peed/pooped on - it's much easier to grab a clean one and you won't have to be washing them every second
- Purchase some Lanolin Cream BEFORE you have the baby, the hospital will probably give you a tiny sample bottle, but you will need more (I also used Dr. Newmanns Nipple cream that my doctor prescribed me and it worked MUCH better)
- Get plenty of nursing pads, you don't want to be running out getting these right after you have the baby
- Keep Snacks & Bottled Water handy - pick a place you are always going to nurse and keep snacks nearby: Larabars/Cliffbars, individual packaged snacks like goldfish, cheezits (whatever), bottles of water
- You will realize that half-way into breastfeeding you are starving or thirsty and it's easier just to have these things within an arms reach
- Boppy or MyBreastFriend - Originally I just had the Boppy, but ended up purchasing My Breastfriend after using it at the Lactation Consultant. My Breastfriend is much more firm than the Boppy and makes it much easier to breastfeed. I probably stopped using it after the first 2 months, but it helped SO MUCH!
- Get support from ANYONE AND EVERYONE! I had posted something on Facebook and had several people message me that I hadn't talked to in 10 plus years. I was surprised at how supportive other Moms are and are so thankful for all the encouragement that I received
- Kellymom.com is a great resource, I found answers to all my breastfeeding questions there
- Look for Moms groups on Facebook, they are super helpful and I didn't even know they existed until a friend invited me to a group
- Keep in mind that the pain is temporary and I PROMISE it will get better, just hang in there and do the absolute best that you can! If you breastfeed for 1 day, 1 month or 1 year, be proud of yourself and have no regrets! Breastfeeding DOES NOT define you as a mom and don't let anyone make you feel or think otherwise
If you are planing to nurse your baby or you already are and have any questions please feel free to email me, I'm happy to help in anyway that I can! allthingsalisamarie@gmail.com

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